Bach contemporaneo

Bach-Die Kunst der Fugue
Die Kunst der Fuge

Modernity and tradition meet each other in this program dedicated to the great composer Johann Sebastian Bach.
Three independent musical parts performed by two instrumentalists: basso continuo and voice by the cellist-singer and the melodic-harmonic part by the vibraphone (or marimba).
Arie and instrumental pieces, together and in solo, alternate in this special and unique program.

Performances of the Bach Contemporaneo concert program took place during the World Music Day Festival, at the Cantiere Internazionale d’Arte di Montepulciano and at the Accademia Musicale in Florence, Festival Montespertoli Musica.

Whenever he wondered how he [Bach] was able to master his art at such a high level, he would usually answer: “I had to be diligent; Anyone who is equally diligent can get just as far. ” He seemed not to rely on his own natural gifts.
(J.N. Forkel, Über Johann Sebastian Bachs Leben, Kunst und Kunstwerke, 1802)